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Check with NO tax-exempt receipt:


Whoever does NOT need/want a tax-exempt receipt, please send —(1) a check made out to: JOHN PENDLETON. (2) On back of the check in the endorsement area, please write: FOR DEPOSIT ONLY, John Pendleton, Acct 76-76-23, BMO HARRIS BANK, Janesville, WI (4) Mail to: BMO - Janesville - N. Main St 100 N Main Street Janesville, WI 53545 



Check with tax-exempt receipt: 

You can safely deposit directly into the Jesus’ Final Command, Inc. account and receive a tax-exempt receipt. If you send a check, you MUST do all of the following: 

(1)— a check made out to Jesus’ Final Command, Inc., 

(2) Write in the endorsement area: FOR DEPOSIT ONLY, Jesus’ Final Command, Inc.,BMO Harris Bank, Janesville, WI , Acct. 481-636-3033 

(3) Before you place the check into the envelope, please call me (24/7) at ‭(469) 844-5793‬ and tell me your NAME, TODAY’S DATE, CHECK AMOUNT, CHECK NUMBER. Even if we do not answer, leave a slowly spoken voice message with the above mentioned 4 (four) items. Our excellent long distance provider will give me a written text of your voice message as well as the recorded message and your phone number.—NOTE: We will confirm your call. We send receipts about every 3 months. 

(4) The envelope should be addressed to: BMO - Janesville - N. Main St 100 N Main Street Janesville, WI 53545


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